1. Our company processes your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law, for the reasons, purposes and methods explained below, and as an exception, in accordance with the information storage, reporting and notification obligations stipulated by the relevant legal regulations and legal authorities, by obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, classifying, updating and transferring your personal data to third parties within the legal limits.
  2. Pursuant to the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law No. 6698”), your personal data is processed by the data controller authorized by our company under the conditions notified to the Data Controllers Registry and deleted/destroyed/anonymized upon request and/or periodically in accordance with the destruction policy. By accepting this disclosure and explicit consent text, it is also expressly accepted that personal data will be stored in countries determined by our company, transferred abroad and shared with third parties for this purpose. In case of use of the mobile application and/or website, all personal data that you will share or have shared for service requests, information requests, etc. and personal data that you share via cookies are also your personal data included in this disclosure text and you specifically accept that cookies can be placed on your machines or devices. Cookies and/or mobile device IDs (including, but not limited to, Android ID or Apple IDFA ID) can be used to measure which product or advertisement has been viewed, interacted with or clicked.
  3. By approving this information and explicit consent text, you agree to the processing, sharing, storage of your personal data on the server determined by our company within the scope of the services provided by our company, provision of information about campaigns via SMS or e-mail, analysis and communication within this scope, and the use of digital data centered in the country or abroad.
    It has been expressly consented to the transfer of data to marketing companies.
  4. Your personal data collected by our company in accordance with the law is for the following purposes:
    In line with the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law;
    Purposes of processing: Performance of work, expansion of business network, promotion, graphics and surveys creation, reporting, verification, evaluation etc. operations, employment, public Sharing with institutions and organizations, carrying out administrative work, and being in a business relationship with our company. Ensuring and supervising the legal and commercial security of persons, legal compliance processes execution of financial and fiscal affairs, commercial and business strategies determining and fulfilling market demands for the sale and marketing of products and services planning and/or execution of research activities, information security processes planning, control and execution, creation and management of information technology infrastructure, following up legal affairs, analyzing the effectiveness/efficiency and/or appropriateness of business activities
    Planning and/or execution of activities, ensuring business continuity planning and/or execution of activities, planning and execution of corporate communication activities execution, planning and execution of logistics activities, customer/user relations management planning and execution of processes, monitoring of user requests and/or complaints, company planning and execution of audit activities, ensuring the security of company operations, monitoring of contract processes and/or legal demands, strategic planning activities enforcement, providing information to authorized public institutions and organizations arising from the legislation.
  5. Personal data owners have the right to learn whether personal data has been processed, to request information if their personal data has been processed, to learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose, to know the third parties to whom personal data has been transferred domestically or abroad, to request correction of personal data if it is processed incompletely or incorrectly and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred, to request deletion or destruction of personal data if the reasons requiring processing are eliminated despite the fact that it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 6698 and other relevant laws and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred, to object to the emergence of a result against the person by exclusively analyzing the processed data through automatic systems, and to request compensation in case of damages incurred due to unlawful processing of personal data. Our company will respond to these requests within 30 (thirty) days.